I have been encouraged to start blogging on my site. Like anything new I spent time reading about blogs. Well, now that I am thoroughly confused, I’m going to take a stab in the dark!
Like anything new I want to know it well but, I have insecurities and fears just like anyone else. I wrote my poem “Fear” about this. Having confidence that things will go well. Believing in the dream you are setting out to fulfill. In a world of “experts” we forget that we are learners and beginners at some point in or lives.
I find it interesting that on this new adventure of starting a business it can be adventurous and exciting. But, at the same time frustrating and eye opening.
When I was young I went to four different grade schools. Being the new kid is hard. Being the new kid and your Mom just butchered your hair! Embarrassing! You stay quiet. You don’t raise your hand. You try to be invisible until you’ve figured out how to navigate this new place and the people in it.
Starting a unique business is just like that. Trying to make the right choices and navigating the plethora of advertisers who make you think you need their business to make it. In reality…you need some….Humility.
Social Media
You need social media. O’k, that is putting yourself out there for the “Critics”. Not just family and friends. What social media to pick? Some say, “Facebook”, some say, “Twitter”, and my children say, “Instagram”. Well, I chose “Facebook” and “Google”. I have posted pictures and events. I know, I know, I really need to add more social media.
What do people say?
When people see my tiles in person they are impressed. They say, “good idea”, “beautiful poems”. When I strike up a conversation with them. They usually move on. You see, when I am quiet, they read my tiles. The poems touch their hearts personally. Then they offer the conversation and how they relate to the poem.
That is what I am after! That is what the purpose of my unique adventure is! To touch hearts, to give someone a poem, that will inspire them, refresh their spirit and touch others lives.
Sooo… My first blog post about starting something new. This is an adventure…I’m excited! But, the reality is I have much to learn and only God knows the way….